Landing Platform Testimonials
Read what people are saying about the Landing Platform!
The Landing Platform (formerly CAREnow) has allowed quick access to tangible necessities such as air mattresses, cleaning supplies, and clothing appropriate for job interviews. This quick access has allowed safe and comfortable sleeping for children to occur. It has allowed parents to clean up unsanitary conditions of their living arrangements. It has allowed a single mom to be better prepared for a job interview. Gas cards have… assist[ed] Kinship providers to transport children to visit with their biological families and keep those family connections intact, in person!!! I am proud to be on the Kinship committee that has worked with Congregations For Kids.
— Mecklenburg County Social Worker
“For me, this is a perfect opportunity to be a “Good Samaritan”. Thank you for helping us to serve our neighbors.”
The Landing Platform steps in to solve tangible problems (big and small) that can be the difference between a youth moving forward or falling way back. When one youth couldn’t access her online classes because she needed a computer instead of the Ipad, the Landing Platform team was able to take care of the need that prevented her from having to further delay her education. Another youth was 18 years old and expecting, but with no job and staying with family, she didn’t have a way to pay for the necessary items that babies require. While I helped her apply for public benefits to help her with ongoing needs, such as food and health insurance, the Landing Platform stepped in and assisted her with a car seat, pack and play, clothes, and bottles.
— Mecklenburg County Social Worker
It truly is an honor to be able to participate in this way. Hearing the stories of the trials and triumphs of the children and families in Charlotte's foster care system has constantly left us asking how we can get more involved and help in times of need. While hectic schedules and commitments may make it difficult for everyone to participate in all of the amazing events that CFK puts on, the Landing Platform has offered a direct way to support individuals in their time of need. The system's clarity regarding the outstanding needs, combined with the ease of use when fulfilling those needs, makes the Landing Platform an amazing tool that serves so many in such a discreet way. We’ve chosen to participate because it’s so easy to provide a helping hand in a tangible way with an instant impact.
— Landing Platform Champion
check out the impact the landing platform (formerly carenow) is making in our area
(Video was recorded when The Landing Platform was known as CAREnow.)