Charlotte has been tapped to provide temporary, safe homes for the most vulnerable children who have arrived in the US without their parents. Bethany Christian Services, Congregations for Kids (CFK), and the Office of Refugee Resettlement of the US Government are working together to find at least 15 families before the end of August when these children will arrive. This transitional foster care program will help to meet temporary housing needs (typically 45-60 days) for the most vulnerable children who are scared and alone.

This information session will provide more information on Transitional Foster Care for unaccompanied minors coming to Charlotte this fall. If you are a parent or family interested in pursuing this opportunity, please join us by registering below.

INFORMATION SESSION for interested parents:

monday, july 12th, 7pm

Watch the video below and visit Bethany Christian Service’s Transitional Foster Care site for more information!



FAQ’s about TFC

Below we've summarized a few of the commonly asked questions as it relates to TFC.

  1. How long are the kids in care? 12-90 days, avg. of 55

  2. When will the first kids arrive in Charlotte? Likely by August of 2021.

  3. How old are the kids coming into care? Most are between the ages of 5-12

  4. Do I have to be a licensed foster parent? Yes, you are required to become a licensed foster parent in the state of North Carolina and complete the required training, background check, and home study.

  5. How long does this process take? We are hoping to have parents trained and licensed within 60 days

  6. What if I'm already a licensed foster parent? You can transfer your license to Bethany Christian Services and then become a TFC family available for placement. Two additional training hours are required, provided by Bethany.

  7. Can I do TFC and traditional foster care? Yes, you may switch between the two, but you cannot do both at the same time.

  8. What if I live in South Carolina? While this is a Federal Government program, the licensing must still abide by state regulations and therefore we can only accept North Carolina residents at this time.

  9. What if I live in North Carolina, but not near Charlotte? As part of the TFC program, Bethany will be providing a daily education assessment center environment for children of all ages,, Mon-Fri. You must be close enough to Charlotte to drive the children in your care to and from this school (located in the Pineville area) each day.

  10. Do I have to speak Spanish? No. Most of the children in this program will know little to no English. Knowing Spanish will be a great benefit in connecting with a child in your care, however we have some great tips and tools to share with families who are interested in TFC and do not speak Spanish.

  11. Can I state preferences for age/sex of the child that I am able to accommodate? You can, and Bethany will work hard to accommodate those preferences. However, we ask families to keep in mind that this is a temporary and emergency situation. Placements often happen very last minute. The more open you can be to age, gender, and number of siblings, the more likely you will be to receive a placement. You may find yourself or your family to be more flexible in age, gender, and number of children knowing they will be with you for only about a month or two.

  12. What are my next steps? Register and attend the info session on Mon, July 12th, at 7pm. Registration link above.



Church Leaders…

Are you a church leader who would like CFK to come speak to your congregation or a group of families within your church? Or would you like more information and resources to share with your congregation about this opportunity? Please contact our team for more information by filling out the form here: